Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We Beat The New York Times!

That's right, we broke a story before the Times did. We may have not been first, but this is a small victory for JMCR.

JMCR favorite Elisabeth Bumiller (she actually got the buildup to Iraq right) tells the tale of what she calls "Farfallegate".

We won't go into the details of the recipe mishandling (read that here), but when in doubt always blame the interns:

By midmorning, the McCain campaign had taken all seven recipes off the Web site and was pointing a finger at an intern who, tasked several months ago with contacting Mrs. McCain’s staff for favorite McCain recipes, had prowled the Internet instead.

“The intern has been dealt with,” said Tucker Bounds, a campaign spokesman, who declined to provide details. Nonetheless, Mr. Bounds said, “we took away his zero pay.

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