Friday, May 2, 2008

And Speaking of C-squared....

Although J-Tron's presidential credentials are oftened questioned by JMCR, it seems as though Cindy actually would make the ideal First Lady.

According to Peggy Noonan in her Wall Street Journal op-ed (The citing of an article that appeared in the WSJ is a historic first for JMCR, Huzzah!) "All first ladies, first spouses, should be like Denis Thatcher, slightly dazed, mildly inscrutable, utterly supportive. It is the only job in the world where "seems slightly drugged" is a positive job qualification "

Keep the Quaaludes and Vicodins a coming and Cindy will be the finest first lady since Nancy.

Remember kids, "Just Say No"

P.S: A big JMCR shoutout goes to loyal reader Mario Sansalone for contributing to this post. We are always open to good robot tips so don't be shy about writing and commenting and maybe you too will get your own shoutout.....


Unknown said...

Cindy McCain looks like Cinderella's step mom...

Unknown said...

p.s. all my friends here in Tempe, AR love the blog. Keep up the good work!