While you were pining away for JMCR posts, your beloved bloggers were exploring the land of milk and honey with their chosen peers.
Based on our travels, we offer this insight: move to Israel if John McCain becomes president.
Besides spending your days in the holy city of Jerusalem praying that J-tron will rescind his position, there is much to see and plenty to learn in this beautiful country that is almost as old as John McCain himself.
Some highlights:
Based on our travels, we offer this insight: move to Israel if John McCain becomes president.
Besides spending your days in the holy city of Jerusalem praying that J-tron will rescind his position, there is much to see and plenty to learn in this beautiful country that is almost as old as John McCain himself.
Some highlights:

Israeli Soldiers
Obama Clinching the Nomination While We Were Gone!
That's all folks. We'll be back on the regular now.
(photos brought to you by Jackson Myers (except obama and the soldiers))
hey I think some of those photos were taken by me! Am I right??
at long last, your pro israel bias comes out...
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